Words from Laura Leporati, Richmond Coordinator
As a parent of two little girls, I can’t imagine the torment of watching them go through a cancer diagnosis. When my oldest daughter was 2 ½ years old, she had to be hospitalized for what turned out to be a bad virus. For a few days, we did not know what was wrong and even though I tried not to go there, I imagined the worst. She went through many tests, pokes and uncomfortable situations and it was traumatizing for all of us. A couple of times we had to hold her down for them to complete their procedures, while she screamed in fright. At the end of her hospitalization, I looked at my husband and said, “Can you imagine what parents go through when their kids are really sick?”
Over the last year or so, a series of events have led me to get more involved with the pediatric cancer community. Through Facebook and various blogs, I read what parents go through when their kids really are sick. And it changed me. I’ve learned to appreciate the small things, to create memories with my family, and that we are not guaranteed tomorrow. And a little voice in the back of my head kept whispering, “Do something.” So last year, I organized a 5k race for another pediatric cancer organization and was overwhelmed at the response and support from the community and how much FUN the day was!
During my planning for that race, I learned about Fairy Godmother Project and contacted Andie to tell her that I would love to help in any way. Little did I know that she would come back to me and say, “How about starting a Richmond Chapter?” Although it was a little overwhelming at first, I realized how awesome it would be to get involved with such a wonderful organization and helping local families going through difficult times. I told Andie that I only had 5-7 hours per week to give, but have found that I now give about 15 hours per week. It’s amazing how much time you can find to give to an organization that you love!
The Richmond Chapter has only been in operation since January but we already have an amazing group of volunteers doing great things for one Richmond family. As time passes and the word spreads about us, we will surely be gaining more families. In order to help them, we’ll need more volunteers and support from the Richmond community. I guarantee you that whatever your interest or talent is, we can find a way for you to help Fairy Godmother Project here in Richmond.
If you have that little voice in the back of your head whispering, “Do something”, please contact Laura at Richmond@fairygodmotherproject.org.
I've had my girl in for dehydration & and boy for asthma. I've also had the same thoughts. You are doing a great thing, Laura!