All the Reasons We Love FoodE

In October, right after FGP had our big break and our local paper did an article on us, we quickly reached out to the community for support. One of the restaurants that we approached for date nights for the moms and dads we support was FoodE. At the time, FoodE wasn't even a year old but having eaten there I knew that it was worth pursuing because the food is truly mouth watering.

All the Reasons We Love FoodE:

1. During a meeting to establish a partnership, they didn't kick me out when my daughter, loudly, exclaimed that she didn't like the cookie she was eating (Which I quickly shoved in my mouth as an apology. The melting chocolate chips and perfectly delicious cookie caused me to wonder, in that moment, if Annalise might be  missing her taste buds). Not only did they not kick me out, but they laughed loudly!

2. They still agreed to partner with us even after my daughter did the above AND Beth jokes about it when she sees me.

3. They provide one family each month with a date night. A night for these couples to get away from cancer and enjoy each other and delicious, farm fresh food.

4. They have offered to bring the meals to the couples' homes if it is too hard to get out.

5. They are flexible when it comes to scheduling.

6. They treat the couples like royalty.

7. They have welcomed us and the families as part of the FoodE family.

8. Their mushroom soup...honestly, it has been almost a year since I ate it and my mouth waters even now thinking about it.

9. Their burgers (this one is for Stephanie, Director of Photography,  who is obsessed with the burgers)

10. Their blog

11. That they can put cabbage in eggs and make it one of the most delicious things I have ever eaten.

12. Everything on their menu I have ever tasted. Guess where I am going this weekend?

Thank you, Beth and Joy for all you do for our families! We truly love that you are part of our team! 
If you are looking for a place to eat out, try FoodE!
 1006 C / D Caroline Street
Fredericksburg, Va 22401
Tele: 540.479.1370

FGP From the Inside: Week 8

 Words from Laura Leporati, Richmond Coordinator

 As a parent of two little girls, I can’t imagine the torment of watching them go through a cancer diagnosis.  When my oldest daughter was 2 ½ years old, she had to be hospitalized for what turned out to be a bad virus.  For a few days, we did not know what was wrong and even though I tried not to go there, I imagined the worst.  She went through many tests, pokes and uncomfortable situations and it was traumatizing for all of us.  A couple of times we had to hold her down for them to complete their procedures, while she screamed in fright.  At the end of her hospitalization, I looked at my husband and said, “Can you imagine what parents go through when their kids are really sick?”
Over the last year or so, a series of events have led me to get more involved with the pediatric cancer community.   Through Facebook and various blogs, I read what parents go through when their kids really are sick.  And it changed me.  I’ve learned to appreciate the small things, to create memories with my family, and that we are not guaranteed tomorrow.  And a little voice in the back of my head kept whispering, “Do something.”  So last year, I organized a 5k race for another pediatric cancer organization and was overwhelmed at the response and support from the community and how much FUN the day was!
During my planning for that race, I learned about Fairy Godmother Project and contacted Andie to tell her that I would love to help in any way.  Little did I know that she would come back to me and say, “How about starting a Richmond Chapter?”    Although it was a little overwhelming at first, I realized how awesome it would be to get involved with such a wonderful organization and helping local families going through difficult times.  I told Andie that I only had 5-7 hours per week to give, but have found that I now give about 15 hours per week.  It’s amazing how much time you can find to give to an organization that you love!
The Richmond Chapter has onl
y been in operation since January but we already have an amazing group of volunteers doing great things for one Richmond family.  As time passes and the word spreads about us, we will surely be gaining more families.  In order to help them, we’ll need more volunteers and support from the Richmond community.  I guarantee you that whatever your interest or talent is, we can find a way for you to help Fairy Godmother Project here in Richmond.  

If you have that little voice in the back of your head whispering, “Do something”, please contact Laura at

FGP From the Inside: Week 7

From our Program Director, Andie McConnell

"The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer somebody else up." Mark Twain

When our newsletter went out, my aunt sent me an email saying she was making a donation to FGP (YAY!). She also wrote that she was amazed at what I had been doing especially with 3 children. She isn't the only one to point out that having young kids and starting a nonprofit don't seem to go hand in hand.  The reality is for me, they do. I have never been happier with myself as a mom than I am now. I had many days in the first years of motherhood where I felt unappreciated and unchallenged but FGP solves all that and more for me.

1. I have a whole new perspective on everyday things. A cold? Big deal. Stitches? So what? A sleepless night? No problem. My children may bring me challenges from time to time, but they are alive and they are healthy. I embrace that and them  in a way I never did before.

2. I am fulfilled, enriched and challenged. Being those three things helps me handle the blubbering, whining and tears easier than in the past. Knowing there is a meeting with another nonprofit in the morning or a scheduled call later in the evening helps me make my way through these challenges.  Being fulfilled, enriched and challenged  allows me to still be smiling when my husband gets home from work (most days).

3. I make my time with my kids count. I used to spend the afternoon chatting on the phone with girlfriends but now I try to avoid that and be available to my children. Today I was very available and read 22 books in one sitting (Yawn).

4. I am setting a great example for them. I am showing them what it means to give back. And  I am showing that if you work hard, and surround yourself with like minded people, you can accomplish your goals.

Mark Twain was definitely right. Working with these families cheers me because I am helping to cheer them. 

Interested in cheering yourself up by helping FGP families? Please email us at