FGP From The Inside: Week 3

From Caroline, FGP's Meal Coordinator:
As my friend told me one day, "I'm drowning in drool and baby talk."  Ah yes, I remember those days.  Still today, so much of my life is about the kids and the family and making it all work.  I couldn't wait to start something that I could call my own - - not as "Adam's Mom" or "Rob's wife" but for me.
That's where Fairy Godmother (FGP) came into play.  I started nice and slow - - once a month, while I cooked dinner for my family, I just doubled the recipe and delivered it (with kids in the car) to one of the FGP families.  My concern about having to make "small talk" with a family I didn't know were eased when I learned all I had to do was leave the food in the cooler outside their home.  My kids would ask questions, and I would tell them that this family has a sick child who has lots of doctor visits so making dinner for them once in a while helped out the family.  They understood.... and they learned... and they cared... and it mattered... and it made me proud.
I have since expanded my role with Fairy Godmother Project and now coordinate the meal schedule between volunteers and FGP Families.  I LOVE IT!  I love that the volunteers are enthusiastic to help.  I love that the volunteers are committed to helping other families.  I love that volunteers make a difference whether they make a meal once a month or every week.  I love that volunteers share their experiences with their friends and ask them to volunteer once a month. 
While I secretly hope that someday there won't be a need for Fairy Godmother Project, until that time I look forward to contributing my time to this amazing organization!
Caroline's daughter made this at school this week. It says, "I have a dream to make dinners for people who have sick children."

 Would you like to do something that is just for you that will help a family with a child fighting cancer? Want to make a meal? Email Caroline at meals@fairygodmotherproject.org 


  1. I am at the opposite end, our son is off to college and I am in need of helping others to fill my Mommy time. I love to cook and still have not gotten it down to 2 very well. Cooking BIG helps me help another family. I love it, Thank you ladies for making it so easy.

    1. Awesome Alis!

      I love that volunteering for FGP works for a wide range of people in so many different "phases" of life. :)
