FGP From the Inside: Week 2

 FGP Photography Program: More than just Kodak paper

I love my job as a photographer for two reasons:  the moments I spend with families and the impact the portraits have on them.  Some clients I only see once, others I see annually as their family photographer.  Either way, they leave an imprint on me.  As a Fairy Godmother Project photographer, this experience is even more profound.  When I do a session with a family who is battling pediatric cancer, I get a glimpse into their family during a challenging time.  I see laughter, bonds, worry, silliness, hope, love.  The underlying knowledge we share as we stroll around a park together is that we are taking these pictures with a new appreciation.  These moments are more precious than ever before, no matter what kind of cancer they battle or what the diagnosis, the world looks different now and every minute is more important.  I'm so thankful for the time that I spend with them, walking next to them and wanting to do something to brighten their day.

The gift of portraits is priceless.  We are all "too busy" to get portraits done, we try to fit it in occasionally as our kids grow, but it often slips through the cracks.  Add doctor's appointments, chemo, exhaustion, and photos become a lower priority.  Some of the FGP families have never had portraits done.  It was on their "to do" list and then cancer took over their lives.  When a family receives their portraits and says that they have looked at them over and over in awe, that we have given them an unbelievable gift they will always cherish, it is an amazing and humbling feeling.  For me it's been something I can do when I'm struggling with that "what can I do to help" feeling and it's been an amazing experience that has changed me and enriched my life.

If you are interested in volunteering your photography services, helping fund this program, or if you know a family who could benefit, please email us at photos@fairygodmotherproject.org for more information! 

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